Protection For Your Data

Geschrieben von andreas kaempf
7. Juni 2024

It is vital to protect your data to avoid costly and damaging data breaches. With a growing attack surface and ever-changing threats, securing your data becomes more difficult. In this article, you’ll be able to learn about the main protection strategies and methods to keep your data secure against hackers and other malicious actors.


Privacy is the right of every person to control their personal data as well as how it is used, stored and disclosed. This includes the right of organizations to cease using your personal information. However, data protection goes further to ensure that the personal information is only accessible by authorized personnel. Data protection also involves encrypting personal information to ensure that only those who have encryption keys are able to view the information. This is crucial when it comes to transferring data via the internet or keeping them on mobile phones or laptops. In addition, it requires compliance with the laws and regulations around the use of personal data such as GDPR or CCPA.

Hackers are often motivated by their own personal interests who want to get your data in order to sell it or use it for illegitimate purposes. This is why it’s so crucial to be aware of your data and protect it from malicious attackers. It’s why you should invest in authentication solutions that verify the identity of a person through checking what they know (e.g. an account number) and/or have (e.g. a security token or fingerprint).

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